Tuesday, December 1, 2009


It is my intention to further the work of Dr. Robert Young. He claims that the body is alkaline by design and acidic by function. This means that the blood and other body parts need to maintain a certain pH (slightly alkaline) in order to remain healthy. The functions of the body are constantly creating acids which need to be eliminated. I won't be re-teaching every detail that Dr. Young teaches. I suggest you buy his books for that information. I think everyone should read them. They may save your life. They will certainly save your health. I've been studying his works for about two years now, trying to live this alkaline lifestyle. I'm completely convinced that this is the only way to live in order to maintain complete health. It's the only way to live without worry about getting some disease or catching some phantom sickness.

Dr. Young teaches that there is only ONE DIS-EASE and only ONE CURE. The disease is acidity/acidosis and the cure alkalizing.

Dr. Young is reversing serious diseases every day. There are many testimonial stories of how people have recovered from cancer, diabetes (type 1 and type 2), obesity, and the list goes on and on. And this is being done without chemotherapy or radiation or drugs. It's all natural using proper foods, exercise, water, and supplements.

There are many steps to take in order to become disease free. But these steps are manageable and doable when you focus on one at a time. Small, consistent changes over time will lead to complete health. However, if you apply the principals taught in this blog, you will feel immediate results - more energy, clearer thinking, and overall well being.

As much as I speak of this 'New Biology' to friends, family and acquaintances, I needed a place to send them all for the things I have to offer. Such as: the very basic concepts of this 'alkaline diet', where to buy the books, where the websites are, where to buy special ingredients, what my favorite recipes are, and maybe even how to make them. I hope this blog will meet those needs.

I will include important links every so often, so you can easily find what you need online if you can't find things locally. Many of these links do not pay me to advertise for them. Some of them do. I'm mostly including them as a service to you. There's no sense in all of you doing as much research as I've already done, in finding books, products, and information that serve me in what I'm trying to accomplish.

Each week, I will work on a step towards health. I will do it in the order that I feel is most important, and that Dr. Young would approve of. We will begin with water, then start to change foods in our diet, and so on. If you want all the information at once - read the book. Here you will get it piece-meal so that it won't be so overwhelming. When I first began, I jumped right in - did everything at once, then gave up really quickly. It was overwhelming - time consuming and expensive. If you just focus on one assignment each week, adding the new habit to the previous ones, you will be successful. There will be some cost as you acquire what you need, but for me, it is my health insurance.

The links below are Dr. Young's pH Miracle books. I started with the pH Miracle for Weight loss. Any one of these books will give you enough information to start your journey to health. If you are interested in reversing diabetes, you are better off starting with the original 'pH Miracle' and then adding the one for diabetes.

You don't HAVE TO buy the books to achieve results, although I would suggest getting at least one. You can just follow my guide if you choose. Also, a must, is signing up for Dr. Young's regular emails. Go to www.phmiracleliving.com and sign up for his newsletter. Every day, he sends an article or link. It seems a little much at first, but these emails have increased my knowledge and understanding of his 'New Biology' like nothing else. It is here you will find great testimonials and success stories. Happy Reading!!

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